Monday, August 10, 2009

Rabid Wolf vs. Rabid Kitten

No, they were not in the same ring. These are two separate incidents. But if you asked me which is the more scary, I would say clearly the rabid kitten story, because the danger of a child being unknowingly infected is much worse.

A rabid kitten was found in the parking lot of a mall in Annapolis MD on Saturday, August 8, 2009.
Rabid kitten found near mall
An public service announcement has been running on radio and TV since to alert people who had been in the area -- to urge anyone who had been in the parking lot or nearby who perhaps had petted the animal to contact the Maryland Department of Health immediately.

Meanwhile, in Alaska, a pack of wolves attacked and killed three sled dogs in a Marshall, remote village in Western Alaska. Rabid wolf attack kills 6 dogs One wolf killed by a villager later tested positive for rabies.

Only 18 wolves have tested positive for rabies in Alaska since 1977. The last confirmed case was in Dillingham in 1998.

Marshall resident Tony Boliver lost a female and three puppies in the wolf attack. He ended up shooting and burning eight dogs that were bitten by the wolves. His remaining seven dogs that weren't injured are in a fenced area.

The animals are burned so that they will not be eaten by another animal, thus spreading the virus.

1 comment:

Downstar said...

Poor dogs. Poor kitten. :'(